How to purchase your first BSC Name Service (.bnb) domain on Binance Smart Chain ?

2 min readJan 4, 2021


BSC Name Service (.bnb) is a domain name service deployed on Binance Smart Chain blockchain. This blog will introduce you to purchase your first .bnb domains.

Be aware, the .bnb domains purchase process only accept the BUSDT which is Binance-Peg USDT live on the Binance Smart Chain blockchain.

You can choose the wallet of MetaMask or BinanceWallet. When you use the MetaMask, you must configure the wallet RPC and the chain id for BSC by follow this link

  1. We use the MetaMask wallet as the demonstration, first select the MetaMask wallet, this wallet will help you to interacting with the BSC Name Service.

2. Search the “firstname” domain name in the search box. When the domains is available, you click the “Available” button to open the purchase box.

3. When you didn’t finished the approve operatoin, it will show the “Approve” button, just approve it, then you can click the “Pay” button to finished the payment.

When the payment transaction confirmed, You can see your domains in the “My Domains” menu.

Enjoy it.

